Tirtha-Timila Medal (2024)

Ms. Rita Chhetri has received First "Tirtha-Timila Medal (2024)" on the auspicious of the 6th AGM of Botanical Society of Nepal (BSON). Botanical Society of Nepal (BSON) had announced the "Tirtha-Timila Medal" in the honor of Dr. Tirtha Bahadur Shrestha and his wife Dr. Timila Shrestha on 12th August 2023 on the special occasion of seventh anniversary of BSON. "Tirtha-Timila Medal" is established to encourage young botanists by recognizing his/her contributions in plant research, publications and public communication. According to the criteria in the "Tirtha-Timila Medal guideline-2081" following committee recommended the medal for 2024. The executive committee meeting held on 6th June 2024 decided to honour the medal to Ms. Rita Chhetri.

Prof. Dr. Mohan Siwakoti Chairman
Prof. Emeritus Dr. Pramod Kumar Jha Member
Dr. Nirmala Joshi Pradhan   Member
Dr. Hari Prasad Aryal Member
Dr. Jaya Prakash Hamal Member-Secretary
Dr. Seerjana Maharjan Secretariat Member


Ms. Rita Chhetri is a plant taxonomist with a prominent record on plant exploration, documentation, publication, development and utilization of the plant resources of Nepal. She is currently working as a Research Officer in National Herbarium and Plant Laboratories, Godavari (KATH). She did her Master's degree in botany with specialization in Plant systematics from the Central Department of Botany, Tribhuvan University. 

She has contributed on the identification, management, documentation and preservation of the herbarium specimens deposited in National Herbarium and Plant Laboratories. She had travelled different parts of Nepal for survey and collection of plants. She has experience of working in national and international herbaria. She has published 26 records of plants New to Nepal and new nomenclature change (comb. et stat. nov. and comb. nov.) of six plant species. She had co-authored seven books and published more than 10 scientific research articles in peer-reviewed national and international journals.

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